CTS Support Service Level Agreement

The Information Services management created this document to detail what you can expect from our Help Desk. This document addresses support of desktop and laptop computers in faculty and staff offices.

The technical support Help Desk is physically located in the Unistructure Building on the second floor, in the Rotunda. You can reach a technician at x6111 or e-mail helpdesk@bryant.edu.

Hours of Operation


Monday - Thursday: 8:30AM- 7PM

Friday: 8:30AM -4:30PM

Sunday: 3PM-6PM

Closed on Saturday and Holidays


Monday - Friday: 8:30AM - 4:00PM
Closed on Weekends and Holidays

Services We Provide

  • Central point of contact to request assistance from Information Services
  • Installation and maintenance of supported hardware and software
  • Recommendation/purchasing of supported computer equipment
  • Network and internet connectivity
  • Information regarding new accounts and passwords
  • Status of outstanding requests
  • Referrals to other sources for specific assistance
  • Vendor specifications on computers
  • Repair of supported desktops and laptops
  • Limited printer repairs

Services We Do Not Provide

  • Support for Audio/Visual equipment (contact Audio Visual, x6128)
  • Creation and maintenance of Web Pages
  • Personal, non-Bryant owned devices, or home computer support

User Responsibility

Users are responsible for backing up their own data both regularly and before a technician works on their system.

Steps to Take Before Contacting the Technical Support Help Desk

  • Try re-booting (close all applications, shutdown, then power up) your computer first to see if that takes care of the problem. 
  • Try looking in the help files for the application you are using. There is usually a table of contents and an index available in the help window for the program.

The Help Desk technician will attempt to resolve your computer problem over the phone if possible. The technician will need to know several things to be sure of the method to use when handling your case. It would be helpful, but not essential, if you have the following information available:

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Personal InformationYour name, network username, building, room number and phone extension
Computer Information
(Hardware & Software)
Type of computer, Bryant asset tag number, operating system version, type of printer or peripheral, Software application (ex: MS Word, Excel) and the version
Problem InformationA description of the problem. If possible, what you were doing when the problem occurred, can you recreate it, any error messages you received.

Requesting Assistance from the Technical Support Staff

The Help Desk is physically located in the Unistructure on the second floor, in the Rotunda. You can reach a technician by phone at x6111 or via e-mail helpdesk@bryant.edu. The Information Services Help Desk hours of operation as well as work request priority assignment guidance, are contained in this document.

The technician may have to ask you to save your work (if it is possible), then restart your system if you have not already done so. If the technician is not able to assist you by phone or there is no one available to help you immediately, the technician will log a call in Jira and it will be assigned to an Information Services staff member for service or assistance. If your problem or request cannot be immediately resolved through the Help Desk, then the request will be forwarded to appropriate technical or management level in Information Services.

  • When a call is placed to the Help Desk, the call is entered into the tracking system mentioned above called Jira.
  • The assigned group reviews the call and assigns it to a technician in that group.
  • The technician investigates the problem by arranging a visit to the workstation or remotely connecting into your computer.
  • Based on the technicians findings, the problem is either resolved or escalated to the appropriate department.
  • If the problem is resolved, the call is closed.
  • If the problem is escalated, the user is notified by the technician of its status and advised to call the Help Desk to check the status of the call.

Priority System

The priority assigned to your problem is based on the following system. The explanations are not all inclusive but should give you a general idea of the priority system we use. Our normal response time is listed for your reference.

The response time noted above is the time between when your phone call is received/reviewed and when a technician will begin working on your problem. Response time is not the amount of time between the receipt of your call and the completion of work on your problem. The time needed to solve your problem depends upon many variables. Please be patient and help us help you.

Questions and Concerns

If you have any question or concerns about the service you received from the Help Desk or our technicians, you may choose to speak to someone in authority. Some of the reasons you may wish to elevate the attention of your problem are:

  • Unauthorized work was done on your computer
  • The work was not completed or done properly
  • The response you received from the Help Desk was either unclear or confusing
  • Follow up was not done or done properly

Policy Review and Revisions

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Last ReviewedLast UpdatedSummary
2/16/20242/16/2024Annual review and update.