How to Update your Emergency Contact

Emergency contact phone numbers can be added through the Emergency Alert option on the Bryant mobile app, or through Banner Self-Service.

  1. Login to Banner Self-Service.
  2. Click on Banner Self-Service SSO.
  3. You'll be prompted to sign in. Use your Bryant Account credentials.
  4. Once sign-in is complete, click on the Personal Information link.
  5. On the subsequent screen, click Update Emergency Contacts.
  6. If no contacts exist, click on the New Contact link.  Otherwise you should see a screen where you can modify existing contacts.
  7. For Contact Type, select Emergency - ALERT Cell (text).
  8. Selecting this type means the number in the Telephone field will receive SMS texts in the event of a school closing or emergency. This should be the student's mobile number.  The First Name and Last Name fields don't need to be the student's name.
  9. Click Submit Changes
  10. Using these same steps, you can add ONE more contact.  The Contact Type needs to be Emergency - ALERT Cell (voice).
  11. Creating this type of contact will allow you to receive a phone call/voice mail in the event of a school closing or emergency.  The number can be the same one used in the text contact.
  12. Click Submit Changes
  13. Once your contacts are entered, they will be displayed in a list on the screen (highlighted in yellow).  You may add more Emergency Contacts, but only the TWO numbers highlighted will be contacted by the Emergency Notification system.

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Mon - Thu
8:30 am - 6 pm

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Mon - Thu
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

8:30 am - 12:00 pm