
Information Services provides centralized computer system backup and restore services to ensure that mission critical systems, applications, and data repositories are adequately preserved and protected against data loss and destruction.

The purpose of the systems backup is to provide a means to:

  1. Restore the integrity of the computer systems in the event of a hardware/software failure or physical disaster.
  2. Provide a measure of protection against human error or the inadvertent deletion of important files.

This policy provides guidelines for establishing backup procedures for centralized servers under the control of Information Services.


  • Critical system backups for enterprise systems
  • Incremental backups for network shares

Available To

Faculty and Staff

What To Expect

Administrative requests for system, application and data restore limited to normal business hours.  For specific service levels based on system, see Backup Policy.

IT Service Desk

Unistructure Rotunda 2nd floor

Walk-In, Email and Phone Support

Please email or phone to make an appointment:

Fall and Spring (semester hours)
Mon - Thu
8:30 am - 7 pm

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

3 pm - 6 pm

Mon - Thu
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

8:30 am - 12:00 pm