Authentication Services

Web single sign-on (Web SSO) authentication services are used to verify a person's identity when signing into a password-protected application. Once a person signs into the Web SSO system, they can seamlessly access other Web-SSO-protected applications without being prompted for their password again. Most applications authenticate through Microsoft Azure which prompts the user to log in with their email address and password. A few applications utilize Central Authentication Service (CAS) or Shibboleth for authentication, which prompt the user to log in with their username (the first part of the email address without and their password.

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Faculty and Staff

IT Service Desk

IT Service Desk located on 2nd Floor Unistructure - Rotunda

Walk-In, Email and Phone Support

Please email or phone to make appointment:

Fall and Spring (semester hours)
Mon - Thu
8:30 am - 7 pm

8:30 am - 4:30 pm

3 pm - 6 pm

Mon - Thu
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

8:30 am - 12:00 pm