All credit for this content belongs to the University of Wisconsin Green Bay:
If your audio or video experience is poor because of intermittent disconnections or choppy audio and/or video, you may be experiencing problems with your internet connection or strained system resources. Perform the following steps to troubleshoot the issues:
- Close all programs on your computer except for the web browser you are using to connect to the Zoom session or the Zoom application itself. Close all browser tabs except for the tab with the Zoom session.
- Use a wired (Ethernet) internet connection if possible.
- Sharing video adds extra strain to your system and internet connection. If feasible, turn off your video if you are experiencing call quality issues.
- Restart your computer.
- If you are at home, make sure other members of the household are not overtaxing the network bandwidth by streaming video, downloading or uploading files, or using a video chat application on another device.
- If your computer is connected to a home WiFi network, try rebooting your modem and wireless router. Perform the following steps:
- Unplug the power from the wireless router.
- Unplug the power from the modem.
- Wait one minute.
- Plug in the modem and wait a few minutes for it to finish booting.
- Plug in the wireless router and wait a few minutes for it to finish booting.
- Once your computer reconnects to the wireless network, rejoin the session.
Note: Sometimes the modem and the router are combined into a single device.
- If connection issues persist after rebooting your home network equipment, call your internet service provider (ISP). If you are on campus, contact the Help Desk at (401) 232-6111