Safe Computing
Students, Faculty & Staff (Do's and Don'ts)
The University protects its information resources from thousands of daily intrusion attempts by potential hackers, but technical protections alone are not sufficient. You are the most important component in protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal information and University information by following safe computing practices. The Information Security Office (ISO) recommends the following safe computing practices, to protect the data and computers of Bryant University community members.
- DO perform regular back-ups of your data. In the event of a compromise, your restore process will be greatly simplified;
- DO use a strong password/passphrase and don't write it down;
- DO use password management software to manage your passwords;
- DO update and run anti-virus software;
- DO perform regular updates of your operating system, web browser and other applications. Especially on personal devices;
- DO exercise caution when opening attachments via email and on social networking sites. Such attachments may be carrying malware;
- DO follow the ISO procedure for reporting a security incident;
- DO ignore unsolicited emails. Be wary of attachments, links, and forms in emails that come from people you don't know, or which seem "phishy";
- DON'T leave your computer in an unsecured, public area, especially if you're logged on;
- DON'T use the same password/passphrase for Bryant accounts as for other non-Bryant accounts;
- DON'T provide your user ID, password or other confidential information in an email or in response to an email. A request to do so is likely a phishing attempt.
In This Section
Security Questions?
Information Security Office
Fall and Spring (semester hours)
Mon - Fri
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Winter and Summer
Mon - Fri
8:30 am - 4 pm